Networking Papers – SDNThis section contains summaries of papers about software defined networks The following papers are summarised so far:
Content Based Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Information Centric NetworksAbhishek Chanda, Cedric Westphal and Dipankar RaychaudhuriFull paper available from arvix (cannot find details where paper is published) This paper describes Information Centric Networks over Software Defined Networks. Applications are
Per-flow granularity not sufficient for content based routing. Some routing can be done based on content length. Meta-data is extracted from ICN interest and data packets. This can be via
The engineering problem describes involves working out where to place a flow of length F given background traffic and capacities of all links.
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The Controller Placement Problem – HotSDN 2012Brandon Heller (Stanford), Rob Sherwood (Bigswitch), Nick McKeown (Stanford)Full paper at author website Question: Given SDN topology,
Problems especially in WAN with long propogation delay – affects convergence and availability and informs decision as to whehter control is “real time” or pushed out to forwarding elements. Motivating examples:
Placement metrics:
Application is only for small networks since problem is
“exponential for Most results are shown initially for Internet 2 topology. Tradeoffs exist between metrics – e.g. worst case versus average case trade off. Figure three shows results for “random” placement as ratio to optimal – not clear if random results are just one instantiation or average over many. Later results draw more widely from topology zoo. Discussion points include:
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Logically centralized?: state distribution trade-offs in software defined networks – HotSDN 2012Dan Levin (TU Berlin), Andreas Wundsam (UC Berkeley) , Brandon Heller (Stanford), Nikhil Handigol (Stanford) and Anja Feldmann (TU Berlin)Full paper at HotSDN web site Assumption behind paper is that control plane is decentralised but logically centralised. Physically centralised dismissed as impossible due to:
Controller component choices:
Problem formulation – physical layer Tradeoffs:
Example application is a load-balancer, two types:
Simulation is released as an open-source tool. Initial experiments use simple topology with two domains and two controllers. Metric measured is RMSE of max link utilisation over all paths – 0 if all paths have same max link utilisation. Flow arrivals are governed by a sin function with different workloads to cover different utilisations. Most “realistic” workflow has exponential flow inter arrival times with rate governed by sin and Weibull flow durations. Simulation has timesteps (64 timesteps to one sin wave cycle). Controller info “staleness” varied. LBC performance decreases as info is more “stale” but SSLBC less so. Key tradeoffs identified are:
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OpenRadio: a programmable wireless dataplane – HotSDN 2012Manu Bansal, Jeffrey Mehlman, Sachin Katti and Philip Levis (Stanford)Full Paper at HotSDN website Open Radio is a design for a programmable wireless dataplane. Wireless protocols evolve quickly and infrastructure for wireless must support this. Protocol changes are continuous but many basestations deployed. OpenRadio exposes an interface to program PHY and MAC layers. Key contributions
Design goals
Multicore architectures for DSP will be used to get speed necessary.
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Outsourcing the Routing Control Logic: Better Internet Routing Based on SDN Principles – HotNets 2012Vasileios Kotronis and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos and Bernhard Ager (ETH Zurich)Full paper link at HotNets website Claim is for an outsourced control plane for routing which is backward compatible with BGP. Idea is that any “significant sized” networks outsource routing to a contractor specialising in this. Outsourcing party exports to contractor the following:
Centralisation gives advantages as controller can see traffic from many AS (referred to as a cluster) and hence:
Legacy API allows interaction with existing BGP and eBGP. Legacy control includes direct access to router FIB and RIB. Economically, outsourcing reduces OPEX. Contractor can detect (and mediate?) tussle between clients. Problems:
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Rethinking End-to-End Congestion Control in Software-Defined Networks – HotNets 2012Monia Ghobadi, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Yashar GanjaliFull paper link at author's homepage The central suggestion is that centrally controlled SDN networks are in a position to choose which version of TCP will work best. OpenTCP tunes TCP for traffic and network conditions. Different TCP flavours perform better at different times or in different conditions e.g. datacentre TCP (DCTCP). Congestion Update Epistles sent to end hosts summarising network
Congestion Control Agent at each end host is kernel module which selects
appropriate TCP version and parameters. Congestion control policies
allow network operator to specify conditions for various tuning TCP
to network.
Time step Open TCP implemented on half hosts in a 4,000 host data centre (SciNet). 59% reduction in flow completion times simply by adapting init_cwnd and RTO. Network characterised by link utilisation < 50% around 80% of time (claimed typical for data centre) and high utilisation and packet loss the rest of the time. Overheads are measured and found to be low in terms of both CPU and network utilisation.
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Software-defined internet architecture: decoupling architecture from infrastructure – HotNets 2012Barath Raghavan (ICSI) , Martin Casado (Nicira), Teemu Koponen (Nicira), Sylvia Ratnasamy (UC Berkley), Ali Ghodsi (UC Berkley) and Scott Shenker (ICSI,UC Berkley)Full paper at HotNets website. Paper advocates decoupling of network architecture from network infrastructure – Software Defined Internet Architecture (SDIA). Problem is to allow new architectures without falling back to a “clean slate” deployment. Defintions:
Solutions like OpenFlow do not work as they are limited on what they can match in packets. Note deviations from “standard internet design”:
Claim: these deviations applied systematically deploy architecture from infrastructure. Design core using internal addressing scheme and edge which uses software forwarding to map from internal to external addressing. Connectivity from host X domain A to host Y domain B is following tasks:
Propose interdomain routing carried out using domain IDs without reference to host X or Y addresses. Now interdomain changes only involve changing software in edge routers (though this still seems a big ask!). Software forwarding allows a quite general “match” against addresses and if properly written could allow any address structure using a general “Match” function. Change from (say) IPv4 to IPv6 could be done domain by domain (although this might require that domain to buy new infrastructure). Propose intradomain routing using edge/core architecture as described above. Only edge needs to understand interdomain so design is modular. Claim is that software forwarding at domain edges is feasable by parallel PCs using (for example) Valiant load balancing. “Interdomain Service Model” is the delivery service agreed between all domains. Deployment of new ISM requires:
Three examples are given to show how deployment might work:
Claim: In SDIA, edge routers are software allowing flexible protocol deployment. This means that intradomain infrastructure need only be bought to work with protocols if protocols achieve wide adoption.
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