The Perpetual Motion Page

Collecting designs for perpetual motion machines has long been an interest of mine. Although this collection is by no means complete, it certainly includes some of the best. Anyone who wants to contribute gifs or designs for this page is welcome to mail me at the usual address ( - I may ignore you and I may not.

Without further gubbins from me here are the designs:

A rather neat machine due to Prof. R.P. Feynman

(In response to comments I should add that Prof Feynman designed this machine to make a point about the impossibility of perpetual motion rather than to attempt to build a perpetual motion machine).

An underwater spinning donut

A hi-tech perpetual motion machine

A rather clever piston based machine

Important disclaimer: Naturally, being of sound mind, I have never attempted to build any of these devices. The consequences should you construct a working perpetual motion machine will certainly be dire - including, no doubt, the now proverbial "being torn apart by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists". I accept no liability in the case of such an event.

Footnote: Clearly the above was too oblique. I feel forced to add:

1) The laws of physics as they are currently known completely rule out the building of a perpetual motion machine based on classical physics such as electro-magentic forces or gravitation (including all those wonderful floating devices)

2) Therefore, while I'm willing to look at designs emailed to me, I will treat said designs with a modicum of scepticism. I've never had a design emailled to me which I could not point out the flaw in (though some were difficult).

In an abrupt about face I have decided to publish this picture of a working perpetual motion machine I am happy to assert that this design fully works and will run forever - I've seen it in action.

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