Without further gubbins from me here are the designs:
A rather neat machine due to Prof. R.P. Feynman
(In response to comments I should add that Prof Feynman designed this machine to make a point about the impossibility of perpetual motion rather than to attempt to build a perpetual motion machine).
A hi-tech perpetual motion machine
A rather clever piston based machine
Important disclaimer: Naturally, being of sound mind, I have never attempted to build any of these devices. The consequences should you construct a working perpetual motion machine will certainly be dire - including, no doubt, the now proverbial "being torn apart by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists". I accept no liability in the case of such an event.
Footnote: Clearly the above was too oblique. I feel forced to add:
1) The laws of physics as they are currently known completely rule out the building of a perpetual motion machine based on classical physics such as electro-magentic forces or gravitation (including all those wonderful floating devices)
2) Therefore, while I'm willing to look at designs emailed to me, I will treat said designs with a modicum of scepticism. I've never had a design emailled to me which I could not point out the flaw in (though some were difficult).
In an abrupt about face I have decided to publish this picture of a working perpetual motion machine I am happy to assert that this design fully works and will run forever - I've seen it in action.
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